Rudolf Steiner today? Where do I encounter this individuality and how do I prepare myself so that I can encounter it? Twenty-seven individuals have…
The current issue of the STIL is dedicated to the senses. Through them as threshold organs we experience ourselves, other people and the world. They…
Section for the Literary Arts and Humanities and Visual Arts Section
The current issue is dedicated to the old mysteries and an outlook on new mysteries. The articles are based on a series of lectures that took place in…
The creative principle guides all the contributions in this edition, although in very different ways. Kafka pursued it in his writing; in ancient…
Wherever the reality of the Grail is touched, a mystery opens up that cannot be grasped with words. It is in the nature of the Grail that it appears…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
The guests at the vernissage followed the opening of the exhibition on 24 June with keen interest. The lively descriptions by the author Angelika…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
(For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German.)
Mai 1922 gab Rudolf Steiner der Malerin Henni Geck auf ihre Anfrage hin neun…
The artist Solmaz Lienhard from Tehran is currently working in the art studios at the Goetheanum. She is a freelance artist, a member of the…
(For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German.)
Wie aktuell und lebensentscheidend das Verhältnis des Menschen zu seinen…
During the early stages of the Corona pandemic of 2020, the sections of the School of Spiritual Science made individual contributions to the crisis in…
Artists who feel connected to anthroposophy are invited, to submit by June 14 two or three pieces of work that have been completed in recent weeks.
The section for the Visual arts team interviewed by Wolfgang Held, Communication at the Goetheanum, March 1. 2020
In a first newsletter, the new team leading the various faculties of Visual Arts Section, presents perspectives of the road ahead.
Fotos von Duillio Martins