Can language counter destruction and fear, can it bring salvation when it is a matter of life and survival and the word stands against the weapon or, almost more hopelessly, the word becomes the weapon?
With contributions by, among others, the Russian-Jewish poet Maria Stepanova, who was awarded the Leipzig Book Prize for European Understanding at the end of April 2023; Thanassis Lambrou, the Greek poet who follows in the footsteps of Hölderlin, Celan and Rilke and shows what true art can be and how it leads to inner transformation; Heinz Mosmann and Michael Kurtz present Russian and German authors to show how literature can build a bridge of understanding between people. And Marica Bodrožić, multi-award-winning writer from Berlin, faces war with her words.
Being in conversation and encountering oneself and the other through art is the thematic focus of the St. John's issue of STIL.