The creative principle guides all the contributions in this edition, although in very different ways. Kafka pursued it in his writing; in ancient mystery sites such as Samothrace and Ephesus, this motif was linked to creation from the word and cognition through the word. The contributions on the effects of colour show how the human being can break through to a connection with spiritual realities, while the comments on architecture demonstrate how the individual can develop organs of perception through the experience of space, which have an effect on the human being and the social community. It becomes recognisable: All art harbours nothingness, the abyss or the darkness of the tunnel. All artistic creation challenges the human being to confront and deal with this state. These are processes of death that lead him back to life, transformed.
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are interested, please contact: sbk.