Die Frage sollte anders lauten …
Aus dem Podiumsgespräch ‹Gibt es anthroposophische Kunst?› auf der Verkaufsausstellung der Sektion für Bildende Künste am 8. Dezember 2018
«Höchst individuelle Ausdrucksweisen»
Ausstellung und Kunstauktion mit Werken anthroposophischer Kunst
Rudolf Steiner als Landschaftsarchitekt
Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeit der Sektion für Bildende Künste wird 2019 ein Forschungsprojekt über Rudolf Steiners Gestaltung des Goetheanum-Geländes…
Rudolf Steiners Originalwerke zu betrachten, ist das Anliegen von Marianne Schubert. Am 12. November ging es um den ‹Druidenstein›.
Die Malerei der kleinen Kuppel im ersten Goetheanum
Von 15. bis 18. November 2018 widmet sich die Sektion für Bildende Künste der kleinen Kuppel im Ersten Goetheanum.
Auf der Suche nach den Kräftelinien - Rudolf Steiners Architekturkonzept
Seit dem Werkstattgespräch in 2015 war es mir zunehmend eine Frage, was Rudolf Steiner nun eigentlich meinte mit der Aussage: Die Architektur sei das…
Rudolf Steiners Kunstimpuls neu erleben
Interview mit Claudia Schlürmann und Marianne Schubert zu den Goetheanum–Kunstwerkstätten. (Erschienen in "Das Goetheanum" vom 14. Sept. 2018)
Anthroposophische Kunst?
Abstrakte Kunst, angewandte Kunst, christliche Kunst, anthroposophische Kunst, Kunst des Blauen Reiters, russische Kunst,…
zur Sektionstagung am Goetheanum im Mai 2018
Ein Bericht und Kommentar von Joachim Pfeffinger zu ›Quellen der Kunst‹, 10.–13. Mai 2018
Die Aktualität Organischer Architektur
(oder: Wie kommen die Häuser heute zustande?) - Ein Kommentar von Thomas von Dall Armi
Nach einer dynamischen Entwicklung bis in die 1980er-Jahre ist die anthroposophisch-organische Architektur anschließend in der allgemeinen Architektur…
Conference "The smaller Dome, an unknown Being" (11.2017)
A Conference for Class-members of the Visual Arts Section.
Whereas the May conference was devoted to contemporary themes, this conference, which took…
The Architekt Douglas Cardinal in the Goetheanum in Dornach
The Architekt Douglas Cardinal in the Goetheanum in Dornach
On 15th November Douglas Cardinal, born 1934 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, gave a public…
Today, some 20 years after the new design of the ceiling in the Main Hall of the Goetheanum, if we were to ask a visitor what does he perceive, feel…
Conference “New Media – New Materials“ - Ruedi Bind
With the threat: “I am a robot“, Peter Elsner began his introductory lecture for the Visual Art Section’s conference “New Media – New Materials“. The…
Section Conference 5.2017 - Alexander Schaumann
For the third time the annual public conference of the Visual Art Section stood under the motto: ’workshop reports’. Taking the themes „Installation“…
Evening Lecture Roland Halfen
In his evening lecture Roland Halfen explored the sources of art in the 20th century. The art-historian and editor of…
Halfen: Sense Experience as the Source of Art
Opening Lecture held on 10th May 2015 at the Ascension Conference of the Visual Art Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, in…
Rudolf Steiner today? Where do I encounter this individuality and how do I prepare myself so that I can encounter it? Twenty-seven individuals have…
The current issue of the STIL is dedicated to the senses. Through them as threshold organs we experience ourselves, other people and the world. They…
The current issue is dedicated to the old mysteries and an outlook on new mysteries. The articles are based on a series of lectures that took place in…
The creative principle guides all the contributions in this edition, although in very different ways. Kafka pursued it in his writing; in ancient…
WEGE ZUM GRAL • Easter Issue 1/2024 of the magazine «STIL Goetheanismus in Kunst und Wissenschaft»
Wherever the reality of the Grail is touched, a mystery opens up that cannot be grasped with words. It is in the nature of the Grail that it appears…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
Video on the exhibition opening «HERMANN LINDE • One Painter - Two Worlds • 1863-1923»
The guests at the vernissage followed the opening of the exhibition on 24 June with keen interest. The lively descriptions by the author Angelika…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
TRANSHUMANISMUS - Ausgabe 3/2022 der Zeitschrift «STIL Goetheanismus in Kunst und Wissenschaft»
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
(For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German.)
Mai 1922 gab Rudolf Steiner der Malerin Henni Geck auf ihre Anfrage hin neun…
Solmaz Lienhard in the art studio
The artist Solmaz Lienhard from Tehran is currently working in the art studios at the Goetheanum. She is a freelance artist, a member of the…
SINNE UND ICH. Ausgabe 1/2022 der Zeitschrift «STIL Goetheanismus in Kunst und Wissenschaft»
(For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German.)
Wie aktuell und lebensentscheidend das Verhältnis des Menschen zu seinen…
Perspectives and Initiatives in the Times of Corona
During the early stages of the Corona pandemic of 2020, the sections of the School of Spiritual Science made individual contributions to the crisis in…
Into the Unknown: Art in the Times of Coronavirus
Artists who feel connected to anthroposophy are invited, to submit by June 14 two or three pieces of work that have been completed in recent weeks.
The Importance of Art for Mankind
The section for the Visual arts team interviewed by Wolfgang Held, Communication at the Goetheanum, March 1. 2020
In a first newsletter, the new team leading the various faculties of Visual Arts Section, presents perspectives of the road ahead.
leadership of the Visual Arts Section 2020
Dear artist friends!
We would like to inform you about the successor for the leadership of the Visual Arts Section.
A Commission ( Willi Grass,…
Jahresbericht über die Arbeit und Forschung 2017 - 2018 von Robert Wroblewski begleitet Torsten Arncken
Podiumsdiskussion: Gibt es Anthroposophische Kunst?
Die gesamte Podiumsdiskussion als Video
„Drachenschwänzli“ von Rudolf Steiner
Die Teilnehmer der Werkstatt „Architektur und Landschaft“ werden tätig auf dem Gelände.
Das Bodenrelief „Drachenschwänzli“ von R. Steiner gestaltet…
Translation Initiative - Der Bau
Help bring Der Bau, Carl Kemper's fundamental work exploring the architecture and sculpture of Rudolf Steiner's First Goetheanum into English.
From 8 to 10 February Marianne Schubert visited artists in Tbilisi (Georgia) as head of the Fine Arts Section.
Die Frage sollte anders lauten …
Aus dem Podiumsgespräch ‹Gibt es anthroposophische Kunst?› auf der Verkaufsausstellung der Sektion für Bildende Künste am 8. Dezember 2018
«Höchst individuelle Ausdrucksweisen»
Ausstellung und Kunstauktion mit Werken anthroposophischer Kunst
Rudolf Steiner als Landschaftsarchitekt
Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeit der Sektion für Bildende Künste wird 2019 ein Forschungsprojekt über Rudolf Steiners Gestaltung des Goetheanum-Geländes…
Rudolf Steiners Originalwerke zu betrachten, ist das Anliegen von Marianne Schubert. Am 12. November ging es um den ‹Druidenstein›.
Die Malerei der kleinen Kuppel im ersten Goetheanum
Von 15. bis 18. November 2018 widmet sich die Sektion für Bildende Künste der kleinen Kuppel im Ersten Goetheanum.
Auf der Suche nach den Kräftelinien - Rudolf Steiners Architekturkonzept
Seit dem Werkstattgespräch in 2015 war es mir zunehmend eine Frage, was Rudolf Steiner nun eigentlich meinte mit der Aussage: Die Architektur sei das…
Rudolf Steiners Kunstimpuls neu erleben
Interview mit Claudia Schlürmann und Marianne Schubert zu den Goetheanum–Kunstwerkstätten. (Erschienen in "Das Goetheanum" vom 14. Sept. 2018)
Anthroposophische Kunst?
Abstrakte Kunst, angewandte Kunst, christliche Kunst, anthroposophische Kunst, Kunst des Blauen Reiters, russische Kunst,…
zur Sektionstagung am Goetheanum im Mai 2018
Ein Bericht und Kommentar von Joachim Pfeffinger zu ›Quellen der Kunst‹, 10.–13. Mai 2018
Die Aktualität Organischer Architektur
(oder: Wie kommen die Häuser heute zustande?) - Ein Kommentar von Thomas von Dall Armi
Nach einer dynamischen Entwicklung bis in die 1980er-Jahre ist die anthroposophisch-organische Architektur anschließend in der allgemeinen Architektur…
Conference "The smaller Dome, an unknown Being" (11.2017)
A Conference for Class-members of the Visual Arts Section.
Whereas the May conference was devoted to contemporary themes, this conference, which took…
The Architekt Douglas Cardinal in the Goetheanum in Dornach
The Architekt Douglas Cardinal in the Goetheanum in Dornach
On 15th November Douglas Cardinal, born 1934 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, gave a public…
Today, some 20 years after the new design of the ceiling in the Main Hall of the Goetheanum, if we were to ask a visitor what does he perceive, feel…
Conference “New Media – New Materials“ - Ruedi Bind
With the threat: “I am a robot“, Peter Elsner began his introductory lecture for the Visual Art Section’s conference “New Media – New Materials“. The…
Section Conference 5.2017 - Alexander Schaumann
For the third time the annual public conference of the Visual Art Section stood under the motto: ’workshop reports’. Taking the themes „Installation“…
Evening Lecture Roland Halfen
In his evening lecture Roland Halfen explored the sources of art in the 20th century. The art-historian and editor of…
Halfen: Sense Experience as the Source of Art
Opening Lecture held on 10th May 2015 at the Ascension Conference of the Visual Art Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, in…
Rudolf Steiner today? Where do I encounter this individuality and how do I prepare myself so that I can encounter it? Twenty-seven individuals have…
The current issue of the STIL is dedicated to the senses. Through them as threshold organs we experience ourselves, other people and the world. They…
The current issue is dedicated to the old mysteries and an outlook on new mysteries. The articles are based on a series of lectures that took place in…
The creative principle guides all the contributions in this edition, although in very different ways. Kafka pursued it in his writing; in ancient…
WEGE ZUM GRAL • Easter Issue 1/2024 of the magazine «STIL Goetheanismus in Kunst und Wissenschaft»
Wherever the reality of the Grail is touched, a mystery opens up that cannot be grasped with words. It is in the nature of the Grail that it appears…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
Video on the exhibition opening «HERMANN LINDE • One Painter - Two Worlds • 1863-1923»
The guests at the vernissage followed the opening of the exhibition on 24 June with keen interest. The lively descriptions by the author Angelika…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
TRANSHUMANISMUS - Ausgabe 3/2022 der Zeitschrift «STIL Goetheanismus in Kunst und Wissenschaft»
For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German. An English translation of the STIL as an online edition is planned. If you are…
(For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German.)
Mai 1922 gab Rudolf Steiner der Malerin Henni Geck auf ihre Anfrage hin neun…
Solmaz Lienhard in the art studio
The artist Solmaz Lienhard from Tehran is currently working in the art studios at the Goetheanum. She is a freelance artist, a member of the…
SINNE UND ICH. Ausgabe 1/2022 der Zeitschrift «STIL Goetheanismus in Kunst und Wissenschaft»
(For the time being, the STIL magazine will only be published in German.)
Wie aktuell und lebensentscheidend das Verhältnis des Menschen zu seinen…
Perspectives and Initiatives in the Times of Corona
During the early stages of the Corona pandemic of 2020, the sections of the School of Spiritual Science made individual contributions to the crisis in…
Into the Unknown: Art in the Times of Coronavirus
Artists who feel connected to anthroposophy are invited, to submit by June 14 two or three pieces of work that have been completed in recent weeks.
The Importance of Art for Mankind
The section for the Visual arts team interviewed by Wolfgang Held, Communication at the Goetheanum, March 1. 2020
In a first newsletter, the new team leading the various faculties of Visual Arts Section, presents perspectives of the road ahead.
leadership of the Visual Arts Section 2020
Dear artist friends!
We would like to inform you about the successor for the leadership of the Visual Arts Section.
A Commission ( Willi Grass,…
Jahresbericht über die Arbeit und Forschung 2017 - 2018 von Robert Wroblewski begleitet Torsten Arncken
Podiumsdiskussion: Gibt es Anthroposophische Kunst?
Die gesamte Podiumsdiskussion als Video
„Drachenschwänzli“ von Rudolf Steiner
Die Teilnehmer der Werkstatt „Architektur und Landschaft“ werden tätig auf dem Gelände.
Das Bodenrelief „Drachenschwänzli“ von R. Steiner gestaltet…
Translation Initiative - Der Bau
Help bring Der Bau, Carl Kemper's fundamental work exploring the architecture and sculpture of Rudolf Steiner's First Goetheanum into English.
From 8 to 10 February Marianne Schubert visited artists in Tbilisi (Georgia) as head of the Fine Arts Section.
«Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden …» Life and Work 1861-1925
Exhibition at the Goetheanum from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026 with opening panel
«Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden …» Life and Work 1861-1925
Exhibition at the Goetheanum from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026 with opening panel
«Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden …» Life and Work 1861-1925
Exhibition at the Goetheanum from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026 with opening panel
«Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden …» Life and Work 1861-1925
Exhibition at the Goetheanum from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026 with opening panel
«Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden …» Life and Work 1861-1925
Exhibition at the Goetheanum from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026 with opening panel
«Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden …» Life and Work 1861-1925
Exhibition at the Goetheanum from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026 with opening panel
«Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden …» Life and Work 1861-1925
Exhibition at the Goetheanum from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026 with opening panel
«Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden …» Life and Work 1861-1925
Exhibition at the Goetheanum from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026 with opening panel
«Aus des Kosmos Geist entzünden …» Life and Work 1861-1925
Exhibition at the Goetheanum from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026 with opening panel