15.00 Panel
Rudolf Steiner and the 20th/21st century -
Inspiration and Challenge
with Eugen Blume, Walter Kugler, Martina Maria Sam, Philip Ursprung
Moderation Christiane Haid
17.00 Vernissage
Musical prelude Vladimir Bogdanovic, cello
Opening Christiane Haid, Ueli Hurter
Greeting Felix Wettstein
About the exhibition Pieter van der Ree, curator of the exhibition
To mark the centenary of Rudolf Steiner's death, a major exhibition of his life and work, including artworks, photographs, documents and artefacts, will be on display at the Goetheanum, the place of his work, from 28 March 2025 to 1 January 2026. In addition to the exhibition located in the main building of the Goetheanum, the surrounding buildings designed by Rudolf Steiner as well as other exhibition spaces on the site can be visited.
The exhibition reveals how Steiner's biography is interwoven with his spiritual scientific, artistic, social and other works. The motif that runs through the presentation is the way in which Rudolf Steiner experienced and shaped the relationship between the sensory-material and spiritual worlds in the course of his biography.
Important stages in this trajectory include the editing of Goethe's scientific writings and his own epistemological, theosophical and anthroposophical works. His artistic impulse is significant, as are the new approaches he developed in education, architecture, medicine, agriculture, banking and social life.
The interaction between Steiner's own intentions, the external influences of his time and his own destiny, as well as the lively mesh of his social relationships, friendships and the questions posed to him, reveal a life that began at a small railway station in what is now Croatia and that has unfolded a worldwide impact to this day.
The exhibition is in German and English and will be shown on the ground floor and first floor of the Goetheanum from 28 March to 1 January 2026. There is no admission charge, but donations are welcome.
"Kindled out of cosmic spirit" Rudolf Steiner – Life and Work 1861-1925is an exhibition organised for the Goetheanum by the Visual Arts Section at the Goetheanum, Dornach CH, and curated by Pieter van der Ree in collaboration with Christiane Haid, Walter Kugler and Jaap Sijmons.
Opening hours of the exhibition in the Goetheanum: Daily from 09.00 to 20.00.
For further events on the Rudolf Steiner Year see