In living nature, formative forces are at work everywhere, creating, maintaining and transforming shapes. These forces are themselves invisible, but can be recognised by the forms they create. Goethe researched the impact of these forces in nature and described them in his writings on "Morphology". Following Goethe, Rudolf Steiner introduced this principle of metamorphosis into the visual arts and architecture in order to make development processes an experience.
The two weekends offer space to immerse oneself in this principle of metamorphosis by observing and sculpting. Experience in sculpting or previous knowledge of the subject matter is not necessary. The courses are also open to newcomers and are designed purely as an experience.
26 - 27 January, 18.00 - 21.30 and 9.00 - 18.00
23 - 24 February, 18.00 - 21.30 and 9.00 - 18.00
Goetheanum, Dornach (Switzerland), Schreinerei, sculpture room
Both weekend seminars CHF 380 / students CHF 150
One weekend seminar CHF 200 / students CHF 80
Lunch on Saturday can be booked for CHF 28.
REGISTRATION by 12 January 2024 to:
Visual Arts Section, Rüttiweg 45, 4143 Dornach / +41 61 706 41 37